Citrus crop up 26% in 2023

The citrus crop for the 2023-2024 season edged up 26% to 365 thousand tonnes, compared with the last season, said the Interprofessional Fruits Grouping (GIFruits). This increase is due to the 33% rise in the production of clementines, 26% in the production of Maltaise variety of oranges and 23% in the production of Navel variety of oranges, the GIFruits told TAP. Despite restrictions on the use of water for irrigation, citrus production in Nabeul, which accounts for 73% of national production, was up by 33% compared with the previous season. Maltese orange export are expected to reach 12 thousand tonnes this year, GIFruits added. There are 12,000 citrus growers in Tunisia, most of them smallholders. It is a source of income for almost 30,000 families. Citrus fruit accounts for 30% of fruit production in Tunisia, and contributes 4.4% to the overall value of agricultural production. Source: EN - Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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