Case of conspiracy against State security: Chaïma Issa will not be released Friday

Arrested in connection with the conspiracy against state security case, National Salvation Front political activist Chaïma Issa will not be released on Friday, said Sami Trigui, a member of the defence group for those arrested in this case.

The reason is that the public prosecutor's office has appealed against the decision to release Issa. Such an appeal makes it legally impossible for her to be released Friday,» the lawyer added.

The appeal lodged by the public prosecutor's office will be heard by the indictment division, he told TAP.

The investigating judge of the Counter-Terrorism Judicial Division had earlier decided to release Chaïma Issa, who has been under arrest since February 2023.

Trigui said the defence group had submitted a request for the release of the remaining detainees, adding that the examining magistrate had refrained from deciding on their fate.

This means, de facto and de jure, that requests for the release of detainees fall within the jurisdiction of the Indictment Chamber, which will also have to consider the prosecution's appeal.

«The best we can do is to wait until the hearing on 5 July to see how the prosecution will rule on all the requests made," said the lawyer, adding that the defence has no choice because the transfer of cases is often prolonged due to procedures in place.

Chaïma Issa was arrested on February 22, 2023, along with a number of lawyers and politicians, on charges of conspiracy against state security.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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