Candidates in South Beja actively campaign for local elections

Several candidates in various constituencies of South Beja delegation are actively campaigning for the local elections on December 24. Candidate Lazhar Kouki, representing the Sidi Ismail locality, told TAP that his programme focuses on improving local public services, infrastructure, healthcare services and education. Candidate Fethi TaSmalah, from El Ghiria locality, pledged to consolidate access to drinking water in the area, establish a healthcare centre, develop rural roads and foster agricultural projects. Candidate Mohamed Absi, representing El Manar locality, pledged to rehabilitate schools and promote private entrepreneurship. Abdelhakim Abassi, from Nagachia locality, promised to create an irrigated area as well as promote female entrepreneurship, school transportation, and healthcare services. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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