Candidates in run-off local elections in East Grombalia focus on employment support

Candidates Imen Arfaoui and Anis Khalfaoui for the run-off local elections in East Grombalia locality, Nabeul governorate, continue their electoral campaign. In the first round, they secured 324 and 296 votes, respectively. Candidate Imen Arfaoui, 40 years old, pledged to champion local development by activating mechanisms and programmes for employment and supporting entrepreneurship. She committed to establishing an industrial zone in Daouar Boussen, supporting local farmers, enhancing healthcare services at the Grombalia hospital, establishing a primary school in Daouar Hlel and forming joint committees involving local residents and authorities for a more attentive consideration of residents' concerns. Meanwhile, 41-year-old Anis Khalfaoui promises to create a support fund for launching businesses in the locality and advocates for streamlining administrative procedures for young entrepreneurs and university graduates. He also pledged to expedite the launch of the technical inspection centre in Grombali a and the establishment of the sectoral centre for general mechanics training. Additionally, he vows to support the agricultural sector and activate the communitarian companies programme. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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