Cabinet decides to provide financing and guarantees for communitarian enterprises

A Cabinet meeting chaired by Prime Minister Ahmed Hachani in the Kasbah on Thursday approved several measures in favour of communitarian companies, according to a statement from the Prime Ministry. These measures include providing the necessary funding and guarantees for these companies, with the possibility of additional support at a later stage. An allocation of TND 20 million has been made in the 2023 Finance Law and was reinforced by an additional TND 20 million in the 2024 Finance Law. The meeting also endorsed the potential use of state land, subject to the fulfilment of necessary conditions, through the revision and amendment of current legal texts. A multi-sectoral committee chaired by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Planning, in cooperation with the Ministry of the Interior and the State Secretariat for Communitarian Enterprises under the Ministry of Vocational Training and Employment, has been established. It will monitor and support communitarian enterprises at the local and regional levels , both before and after their establishment. Premier Hachani emphasised the need for concerted efforts by all relevant ministries to address the challenges faced by communitarian enterprises and to remove any obstacles that may hinder their establishment and effective operation. He stressed that communitarian enterprises are a national project and a mechanism for establishing a new development model, contributing to job creation, wealth creation and local development. The meeting also heard a presentation by the Secretary of State to the Minister of Vocational Training and Employment in charge of communitarian companies, Riadh Chaouad, including an assessment of the situation of these companies two years after the issuance of Decree No. 15 of 2022, dated March 20, 2022. The presentation highlighted the challenges to their establishment and operation, and outlined measures to increase funding sources, improve governance, and support mentoring and capacity building of those responsible for their oversight a t regional and local levels. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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