Burkina: The single currency of the AES is the hope of the single African currency, Nicolas Agbohou, economist

Economist Nicolas Agbohou, indicated at the end of September in Ouagadougou that the single currency of the AES is the hope of the single African currency, adding that the currency, before being technical, is first and foremost political, because it affects the independence and sovereignty of States. Speaking at a press conference held at Joseph KI-Zerbo University in Ouagadougou, he advocated the creation of a single African currency that will help develop the continent, reports the daily Le Pays in its Monday issue. Author of the book "The CFA Franc and the Euro against Africa", Pr Nicolas Agbohou, vigorously rejected the CFA franc, a "colonial currency" which belongs 100% to France according to him, and is used in several French-speaking African countries including Burkina Faso and his country Ivory Coast. As alternatives, Professor Agbohou advocated the creation of the Single African Currency (SAC). He cited several examples of federal states that have managed to create their own single currency, su ch as the US dollar, the Swiss franc, the Chinese yuan and the Russian ruble, the private daily continued. For him, this project is quite feasible, as long as African leaders have the will and the people express the need. Because, he explained, the currency belongs to the people. The speaker stressed that the creation of this single currency is the royal road to freeing Africa from its dependence on the powers that continue to enslave it through the currency they control. So, he hopes that the creation of the currency envisaged by the countries of the Alliance of Sahel States (AES) that are Burkina, Mali and Niger, could be realized in the coming days. "The single currency of the AES is the hope of the single African currency", believing that everything could start from this project. Pr Nicolas Agbohou confided that the salvation of Africa will come from the decision to be taken by its leaders to create this single African currency. Because, for him, this currency will allow to launch the true industriali zation of Africa, keystone of its development, he concluded in the daily newspaper Le Pays. Source: Burkina Information Agency

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