Bouderbala calls on architects to submit legislative proposals to reform profession

Speaker of the Assembly of People's Representatives, Brahim Bouderbala, stated his support for the demands of architects and called on them to draw up legislative proposals to reform the profession and present them to Parliament. He proposed the organisation of a study day on the reality of the sector in the presence of the various parties involved, with the aim of helping to define a clear strategy to resolve all the difficulties and overcome the various problems. This was the conclusion of a meeting between the Speaker of the ARP and President of the Tunisian Order of Architects, Leila Ben Jeddou, and the delegation accompanying her at the Bardo Palace on Monday. The members of the delegation expressed their concern at the non-application of certain laws relating to their profession. They also said that the law governing the profession had not been amended since 1974. They pointed to the difficulties encountered in revising urban development plans, which, in their view, explained the proliferation of un controlled construction. They also proposed an amendment to the Town and Country Planning Act. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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