Bottled water main source for 45% of Tunisians (survey)

Bottled or mineral water is the main source for 45% of Tunisians, the latest survey by the Pan-African Research Network revealed. Afrobarometer survey findings were outlined Thursday at a press conference in Tunis. The survey conducted by polling company One to One for Research and Polling - Afrobarometer partner in Tunisia- in the period from February 25 to March 11 polled a sample of Tunisians aged over 18 across the country (urban and rural areas) on their perception of climate change. Actually, 55% of Tunisians changed water source or reduced the quantity of water used so as to face up to climate change, while a further 31% rely on tap water and 9% use rainwater. These rates vary though according to the environment. In urban areas, 57% of Tunisians use bottled water. The rate dips to 20% in rural areas with 46% relying on tap water. Survey findings also demonstrate that 23% of respondents approve of the water rationing policy, while 72% think the government needs to find alternative solutions to mana ge water sources instead of rationing water supplies. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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