Belaid case: Trial postponed until Feb. 23, 2024 [Upd 1]Successful Hosting of AU Manifests Ethiopia’s Commitment to Upholding Continental Aspirations

The 5th Criminal Chamber of the Tunis Court of First Instance on Tuesday decided to postpone the trial in the assassination of opposition leader Chokri Belaid until February 23, 2024, a TAP journalist on the scene learned. This decision was made to allow the appointment of a second lawyer for accused Amine Guesmi, following a procedural malfunction and the request made by accused Riadh Ouertani to be heard in writing. A petition was lodged by the latter from the Mornaguia prison to the president of the chamber to allow the court access to the data he had refused to disclose during the trial. Defence team member Imene Bejaoui said that the procedural malfunction consisted in the failure of the president of the criminal chamber to inform the regional section of lawyers in accordance with the decree-law organising the bar. She added that a lawyer had been appointed to defend accused Mohamed Guesmi after consultation with the Bar Association. All the defendants were present before the criminal court on Tuesd ay, with the exception of Mohamed Aouadi, Ezzedine Abdellaoui, Mohamed Amri and Ahmed Mekni alias "Somali," who were taken from prison but refused to attend the hearing, preferring to wait in the court's holding cell. These defendants were heard in previous trials, with the exception of Abdellaoui, who still refuses to be interrogated. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse Addis Ababa: The successful hosting of the recently concluded African Union (AU) Summit underscores Ethiopia's unwavering commitment to upholding continental aspirations, according to Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Briefing the media today, state ministers Ambassador Mesganu Arga and Ambassador Birtukan Ayano lauded the successful conduct of the summit and Ethiopia's contribution to addressing pressing issues across Africa. Foreign State Minister Ambassador Mesganu Arga noted that among the key topics deliberated upon were education, peace and security in the continent. He stressed the crucial link between Ethiopia's national interests and the summit's agenda, stating that discussions held in the sessions along with the resulting resolutions addressed critical issues facing the continent were aligned with Ethiopia's priorities. According to him, Ethiopia presented and elucidated on the progress made in implementing the Pretoria Agreement, emphasizing the necessity for steadfast commitment to its full realiz ation. The summit also witnessed a significant step forward for Ethiopia's economic integration within the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) by approving the country's proposed goods tariff and paving the way for Ethiopia to join the nine African nations trading under the AfCFTA framework. "During the summit, our goods tariff offer was endorsed by the ministers of trade of African governments to trade under AfCFTA; and this is a great success." Moreover, the state minster highlighted Ethiopia's achievements in the agricultural sector, especially its exemplary wheat production, and Yelemat Terufat program showcased during the summit. Addressing queries regarding the Ethio-Somaliland Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), Mesganu reiterated Ethiopia's clear foreign policy objectives with its neighbors and its unwavering commitment to regional cooperation and integration. The state minister added that the MoU aligns with the nation's longstanding principle of fostering regional cooperation for develo pment within a rule-based and mutually beneficial framework. State Minister Ambassador Birtukan Ayano focused on her part on the logistical and protocol aspects of the summit and declared the whole process of the AU summit was a resounding success on all fronts. The peaceful conclusion, meticulous protocol adherence, and seamless provision of accommodation and other services for more than 8,000 delegates from 49 African countries, was lauded as hallmarks of the government's remarkable planning and execution, she pointed out. The summit saw the participation of 31 heads of state and six vice presidents, it was learned. The arrival of 54 chartered airplanes carrying participants to Bole International Airport was handled with remarkable efficiency, according to the state minister. Ambassador Birtukan also highlighted the introduction of sightseeing opportunities for guests and diplomats, including visit and dinner program to the newly unveiled Adwa Victory Memorial Museum. She reiterated the immense succes s of the summit on all parameters, emphasizing its contributions to both Ethiopia and the continent. "Following the preparation made for over three months, the summit concluded successfully and all actors have greatly contributed to the success of the whole process during the summit...Our country is respected and elevated by hosting this very successful summit." Looking forward, the state minister vowed for continuous improvement and the introduction of innovative elements to further enhance Ethiopia's hosting capabilities in the future. Source: Ethiopian News Agency

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