ATFD calls for changing policies to counter gender discrimination, regional disparities

The Tunisian Association of Democratic Women (French: ATFD) called for a change in policies to counter gender discrimination and regional disparities. In a press release issued Monday to mark the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (December 10), the ATFD said the situation of Tunisian women had deteriorated. They are faced with a dual reality: a discourse advocating equality and the recognition of their political, economic and social role of women, and a reality marked by discrimination, inequality, political oppression, poverty and all forms of violence with an increasing number of feminicides. The ATFD further called for the need to activate Organic Law No.58 of 2017 on Eliminating Violence against Women, expressing full rejection of Decree No. 54 of September 13, 2022, on combating offences related to information and communication systems. This decree had been used to launch a campaign of legal action against individuals over their participation in protests as well as activis ts, men and women, in civil society organisations and political parties, reads a press release. The reform of Decree No. 88 of 2011 would also pose a threat to freedom of association. The ATFD further called for abandoning the draft reform of this decree which aims "to restrict the rights and freedoms of civil society organisations and narrow the civic space in the country." The association also reiterated the call for the participation of civil society organisations in dialogue to find solutions for the political crisis and economic challenges. The ATFD reaffirmed support for the just Palestinian cause and the Palestinian people, victims of barbaric Zionist aggression since October 7. It denouncing, in this vein, the double standard policy embraced by international organisations committed to human rights, accusing them of complicity in the genocide perpetrated by the Zionist entity against the defenceless population of Gaza. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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