At least two new care centres for women victim of violence will be set up by end of 2023 (minister)

"No less than two new care centres for women victim of violence will be set up by the end of this year," said Minister of Family, Women, Children and the Elederly Amel Belhaj Moussa. Speaking at the opening of a training session on the legal framework for heads and support staff at "El Amen" centres for women victim of violence and their children, the minister undertook to speed up the setting up of these centres to achieve the goal of opening one centre per governorate by 2024. Belhaj Moussa further indicated that her ministry is working on the development of training programmes so as to achieve positive results in terms of caring for women victim of violence, reads a ministry press release. Organised by the Minsitry of Family, Women, Children and the Elderly in partnership with the UN Women, the three-day training session aims to build the capacities of the staff working in care centers for women victim of violence.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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