Arrest warrant issued for Ennahdha S-G Ajmi Lourimi

Tunis: The investigating judge at the Judicial Counter-Terrorism Division at dawn on Wednesday, issued an arrest warrant for Secretary General of Ennahdha movement Ajmi Lourimi, lawyer Saber Laabidi told TAP. Lourimi is prosecuted for 'providing a venue for meetings of organisations or associations of individuals associated with terrorist crimes as defined by law, as well as housing them, concealing them and guaranteeing their escape, while ensuring their impunity and allowing them to profit from their acts,' the lawyer added. He is also charged with failing to report information on terrorist crimes, in accordance with the provisions of articles 1, 13 (new), 34 and 37 of the Anti-Terrorism Act. Laabidi said that Lourimi had been arrested on July 13, along with two other people: Mosaab Gharbi and Mohamed Ghannoudi. They were taken into custody after their identities were checked by a police patrol in Borj El-Amri. The check revealed that Ghannoudi was the subject of a wanted notice. Ennahdha, for its par t, expressed in a statement issued on Wednesday morning its insistence on releasing the SG of the Ennahdha movement, those accompanying him and all political detainees. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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