ARP: Two legislative proposals examined by Administration Organization Committee

The Committee for the Organization and Development of Administration, Digitalization, Governance and the Fight against Corruption at the Assembly of People's Representatives (ARP), Monday, heard MPs about the bill amending and supplementing the law related to the general status of civil servants, local authorities and public administrative institutions. The bill aims to provide all necessary guarantees for the protection of the family as the first nucleus of society as well as preserve the physical and mental health of the mother and infant, reads a statement of the APR. Members of the parliamentary committee stressed the importance of this bill, calling for reviewing State policy related to demographic development so as to reduce the threat of population aging by 2050. The Committee also called for supporting the bill by conducting thorough research, studies and statistics in this area. Maternity leave, paternity leave and parental leave in the public and private sectors were also debated during the hear ing session. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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