ARP approves draft law on “Sidi El Kilani” hydrocarbon concession and its annexes

The Assembly of People's Representatives (ARP) adopted at a plenary session Wednesday, with 120 votes in favour and 2 against, the draft law No. 2023/53 approving the agreement on the "Sidi El Kilani" hydrocarbon exploitation concession and its annexes, signed on February 6, 2023 between the Tunisian State and the Tunisian company for petroleum activities (ETAP). The Ministry of Industry, Mines and Energy decided to renew the concession with ETAP after its expiry on December 24, 2022 in view of its performance and in order to maintain and develop the country's hydrocarbon production. Economic studies have shown that the net profitability of this concession is estimated at $26.4 million and the recoverable production is estimated at around 2.061 million barrels of oil. Fatma Thabet Chiboub, Minister of Industry, Energy and Mines, responded to the MPs' comments by pointing out that the sectors under her ministry account for two-thirds of GDP, adding that the state attaches as much importance to the public se ctor as to the private sector. Referring to the desire to attract more foreign investment, she pointed out that the ministry is currently working on improving the legal framework for the energy and mining sectors, as well as revising the investment law. The Ministry of Industry is also seeking to rationalise energy use, promote alternative energy and ensure the country's energy security, she said. "The aim is to guarantee 60 or even 80% of the country's energy needs through the use of alternative energies (renewable energies, green hydrogen, etc.)," she added, stressing the importance of learning from the experiences of other countries in this field. With regard to the national strategy to guarantee energy independence and achieve carbon neutrality, the Minister pointed out that the aim is to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions by 46%. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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