Arab Board of Health Specialisations office to be set up soon in Tunis

Tunis: Health Minister Ali Mrabet on Thursday met with President of the Accreditation Committee for Tunisian Faculties of Medicine and Vice-Chairman of the Executive Board of the Arab Board of Health Specialisations (ABHS) Mohamed Hedi Souihli and ABHS member Chokri Hamouda. Several issues were discussed during this meeting, including notably the setting-up shortly of an ABHS office in Tunis, reads a Health Ministry press release. The meeting also helped review ways to step up exchanges between the Tunisian specialisation boards, notably the Family Medicine Specialty Board and the ABHS scientific councils, in terms of development of postgraduate studies and digital transition. The minister commended on the occasion, the role of the Accreditation Committee for Tunisian Faculties of Medicine in communication and rapprochement of points of view between the various players of the academic training and training centres related to the different health specialisations, pointing out the need for further coordinati on to launch the implementation of the ABHS' programmes in Tunisia. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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