Al Jarid Experience promotion programme to boost Saharan tourism in Tozeur (minister)

Al Jarid Experience, a tourism promotion progamme in Tozeur, is one of the programmes implemented to give a boost to Saharan and oasis tourism, said Minister of Tourism and Handicrafts as he attended Wednesday the 15th edition of Tozeur Handicrafts Days. Al Jarid Experience revolves around encouraging any initiative to organise cultural, sports and tourism events. The airlink between Tozeur and Paris established by Transavia, the French airline, with the support of the ministry, delivered its promises, the minister said. The handicrafts exhibition in Tozeur is held on December 22-29, with the participation of more than 120 artisans from all regions of the country, half of them from Tozeur . Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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