Agricultural foreign direct investment in Tunisia does not exceed 0.77% of total foreign investment

The flow of foreign direct investment in the agricultural sector in Tunisia did not exceed, in 2019, the rate of 0.77% of total foreign investment, against 2.81% in 2018, according to the latest data published by the Arab Monetary Fund (AMF). A study published, Tuesday, on "the reality and challenges of the agricultural sector in Arab countries", drawn up by the AMF, highlighted the weakness of foreign direct investment in the agricultural sector in Arab countries, which accounted for less than 3% of total foreign investment in these countries in 2020, whereas the volume of supplies reached its highest level in Morocco, as well as in Arab countries, at a rate of almost 2.3% of total investment in 2020. Les statistiques ont montré qu'en 2021, la croissance moyenne du secteur agricole en Tunisie a été de -0,26%, alors que la part du secteur agricole tunisien n'a pas dépassé les 9,1% du PIB en 2021, contre 10,2% en 2020. Average compound growth in value added in the agri-food industry over the period 2010-2020 was -0.2%. The number of workers in the country in the agri-food sector in 2020 will have reached almost 62.8 thousand. The data in the study highlighted the fact that the share of the individual in Tunisia in the agricultural sector, at a fixed price, was in 2021 within the limit of 368.6 dollars, far from the world average which is estimated at 469.9 dollars. The study covered several chapters relating to the development of the agricultural sector in the Arab countries, the level of foreign trade for the agri-food industries, and the average dietary energy intake. One chapter was devoted to analysing the challenges facing the sector in the Arab world and presenting recommendations for its development. The study showed that the production of wheat and its derivatives accounted for almost 44.3% of total cereals imports by Arab countries in 2021. Similarly, by 2021, the agricultural sector in these countries will have grown by 1.6% at real prices, compared with 2% worldwide.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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