African Governments Need to Create Political Space for Engaging Youths: AU Youth EnvoyArab Federation of Petroleum Workers conference: opportunity to debate formulas to help Gazans (Tabboubi) [Upd 1]

African Union Special Envoy on Youth, Chido Mpemba, urged African governments to widen political space for participation of the youth. Speaking to ENA, the special envoy noted that Africa has promising opportunities as most of its population is youth. Engaging this productive section of society in the political, economic and social spheres on the continent at the expected level could play pivotal role to ensure sustainable development and benefits of the people, she said. Noting that attempts to seize power by force and conflicts in Africa and attendant problems causing harms on youths and countries, she urged to change this course of political engagement and nurture democracy. To this effect, engaging youths in political process, building their capacity and putting in place new perspectives to address backward practices are essential, she emphasized. To realize the Africa we aspire in 2063, African governments are expected to engage and exploit the potentials of the youth in all fields and meet continen tal aspirations, Mpemba stressed. The African Youth Charter adopted by the AU's seventh ordinary summit in Banjul, Gambia in July 2006 stipulates that Africa's biggest asset is its young population. Source: Ethiopian News Agency This conference is an opportunity to discuss concrete formulas to help the Palestinian people in Gaza in their struggle against the Zionist Entity," said SG of the Tunisian General Labour Union (French: UGTT) Nourredine Tabboubi as he attended Thursday the conference of the women and working youth committees of the Arab Federation of Petroleum, Mining and Chemical Workers in Hammamet. It is also expected to enhance Arab energy solidarity, he further told TAP on the sidelines of an opening session of the two-day gathering. The organisation of the event in Tunisia demonstrates anew the position of the country and the labour union, he added. The UGTT has always pushed for energy solidarity in a bid to ensure self-sufficiency in Arab countries. An active, effective and militant trade union can create new dynamics in bringing views closer together, fostering a climate of Arab cooperation for the interest of Arab peoples and producing a unified Arab stance on a set of issues, mainly the Palestinian cause. SG o f the Arab Federation of Petroleum, Mining and Chemical Workers Imad Hamdi said the conference of youth and women is placed under the solgan "Supporting Palestine" to reaffirm the Arab Federation's solidarity with Palestinians as they endure the barbaric attacks of the Zionist entity. The Arab Federation's Executive Council will hold its forthcoming meeting in Egypt to provide moral and material support to Palestinians. The Federation will also seek to scale up coopeeration in energy as a tool to exert political and economic pressure and achieve prosperity for Arab countries, he added. SG of the General Union of Petroleum and Chemicals Salouane Smiri said the sector of energy is of strategic importance in Tunisia and can help chart a way out of the crisis if efforts are pooled and a social dialogue is set in motion between stakerholders and authorities. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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