African Countries Urged to Expedite Implementation AfCFTA

The Executive Director of the Coalition on Media and Education for Development Africa Forum (CAFOR), Lawalley Cole urged African countries to expedite the implementation of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) for the benefit of the people in the continent. AfCFTA is one of the Flagship Projects of Agenda 2063 Africa's development framework, which aims at accelerating intra-African trade and boosting Africa's trading position in the global market by strengthening Africa's common voice and policy space in global trade negotiations. World Bank research shows that the AfCFTA could lift 50 million people out of extreme poverty by 2035 and expand incomes by 571 billion USD. Many of the gains would result from unleashing trade within the continent. However, currently, African countries trade more with the rest of the world than with each other. Speaking to ENA, Lawalley Cole, the executive director of the Coalition on Media and Education for Development Africa Forum (CAFOR) said it is important to a ccelerate the implementation of the AfCFTA as its great economic benefits for Africa. 'If the AfCFTA is implemented in Africa, it will become the largest trade area in the entire world. If it works, it will generate a lot of revenue, a lot of income for countries; allow other countries to participate in it to trade and invest in the continent and this is what we need.' He said Africa is endowed with resources in various areas including minerals, agriculture, land, people, and youth. "If we train the young workforce, they can do many things. I think Africa has to wake up now.' Moreover, Cole stressed that African countries have to strengthen their cooperation among themselves to realize the goals of continental free trade agreement and ensure the well-being of African citizens through the implementation of Agenda 2063 and other initiatives. He asked, 'In fact, the African Union has already established this, so why do we not follow it?' The Executive Director urged a greater role for the media in providin g important information about African issues and engaging people in the continent in forging the implementation AfCFTA. Moreover, he emphasized on the important role of the media, which creates awareness through interaction and education as well as transforming the economy, trade investment among African countries. They need to inform the African people about what regional organizations such as the African Union are doing and their flagship programs. 'This is vital for the people of Africa; let them know what the African Union is doing. The media must push these ideas and this is what we are trying to do,' he underlined. The Coalition on Media and Education for Development Africa Forum (CAFOR) is first and foremost a forum with various organizations, experts and individuals who are committed to ensuring that education systems in Africa are relevant to young Africans with newly acquired skills that correspond with what obtains in the labour market within the African continent. Source: Ethiopian News Agen cy

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