Afek Tounes: “Tunisian People’s will to put in place democratic regime remains unwavering”

Notwithstanding attempts to celebrate the Revolution on December 17 instead of January 14, the Tunisian people's will to establish a democratic regime and uphold the rule of law remains unwavering," Afek Tounes said on Sunday. "There will be no going backwards on this because of populism and grassroots democracy," further reads a press release. Afek Tounes also denounced "curbs on freedom" and "a backslide into authoritarianism" and said the claims of the Tunisian people to dignity, freedom and the fight against corruption cannot be achieved within an authoritarian political system. " Afek Tounes said it is determined to meet the aspirations of the Tunisian people for a modern and free state which can guarantee a decent life for its people, the supremacy of law and pluralism. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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