Administrative court grants CGTT right to be represented on National Council of Social Dialogue

The Tunisian General Labour Confederation (CGTT) has announced that the Administrative Court has granted it the right to be represented on the National Council of Social Dialogue. "The Administrative Court has decided to annul the term "the most representative" in paragraph 2 of article 2 of the government decree setting the number of members of the National Council of Social Dialogue at 35, "representing the most representative workers' organisation", the CGTT said in a statement. The CGTT had filed a complaint with the Administrative Court in 2018 against the prime minister and the minister of social affairs, seeking the annulment of government decree number 676 of August 7, 2018 on the composition of the National Council of Social Dialogue. It considered that the decree contained provisions contrary to the law and the fundamental rules governing trade union activity and relations between public authorities and trade union organisations. "This government decree excluded the CGTT from the composition of the National Council of Social Dialogue," it added. 'By annulling the second paragraph of article 2 of the government decree, the Administrative Court has upheld the principle of equality and trade union pluralism and given priority to objective standards of representativeness of trade union organisations without any exclusion," the CGTT stressed. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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