95 suicides recorded in 2023 (FTDES)

95 suicides and 52 suicide attempts were recorded in 2023, most of which among young people,» reads the annual report of the Tunisian Forum for Economic and Social Rights (FTDES). FTDES member Rihab Mabrouki underlined, during a press conference dedicated to the presentation of this report, that the highest number of suicides and suicide attempts was recorded in the governorate of Kairouan, explaining this phenomenon by the socio-economic difficulties in this region. The governorate of Kairouan recorded nearly 17.7% of suicide cases and suicide attempts in 2023 followed by the governorate of Nabeul (9.52%) then the governorate of Bizerte with more than 8%. Concerning the increase in violence, Mabrouki stressed that around 17% of violence cases were recorded in 2023 in the governorate of Tunis, followed by the governorate of Bizerte (nearly 12 percent%) then by the governorate of Nabeul (around 11%) She specified that 27% of cases of violence were recorded in January 2024 in the governorate of Sousse, foll owed by the governorate of Tunis (19%) then the governorate of Nabeul (11%) reporting that several cases of violence in schools were reported during the same month. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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