3,788 more patients diagnosed with colon cancer in Tunisia in 2023

Tunis: 3,788 more patients diagnosed with colon cancer in Tunisia in 2023, according to the latest statistics published, Friday, by the Directorate of the Primary Healthcare (DSSB) under the Health Ministry on the occasion of the Blue March under the theme of " Blue March: let's mobilize against colon cancer." «In Tunisia, colon cancer has been on the rise over the past few years and has become a real threat to public health due to the high mortality rates if not diagnosed and treated at an early stage,» DSSB told TAP adding that «it now ranks 4th type of cancer affecting men and 2nd affecting women nationally, in terms of prevalence.» To prevent colon cancer, the DSSB called on citizens to adopt a healthy lifestyle, keep a healthy weight, exercise, avoid smoking, eat dairy products and derivatives, drink plenty of water and eat fish, especially blue fish, 3 times a week. On the other hand, it urged citizens to reduce the intake of red meat to 500 grams per week and avoid eating processed meat. The DSSB al so encouraged citizens to eat fresh vegetables and fruits after washing them carefully, as well as eat wheat and whole grain bread. It stressed the need to avoid junk food, processed food (cookies, sodas, cakes, French fries, granola bars, chocolate treats, candy, frozen meals, canned juices) and food additives (artificial sweeteners, preservatives and colors). It should be noted that the national colon cancer screening strategy is based on the identification of the target audience, namely men and women aged 50 to 74 without a family or personal medical history of colorectal cancer and who did not suffer from any debilitating disease. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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