216 protests in November 2023 against 180 in October 2023 (FTDES)

216 protests were recorded in November 2023 against 180 last October, according to the monthly report of the Tunisian Forum for Economic and Social Rights (FTDES). Educational institutions came first with 92 protests compared to only 13 in October. Protesters, the majority of them are parents joined by a large number of students, called for providing school transport due to a shortage of buses in a large number of schools. Several demonstrations were observed by substitute teachers. The governorate of Monastir came first place in the ranking of governorates in terms of the number of demonstrations with 51 movements, followed by the governorate of Gafsa (36 demonstrations) and that of Tunis (30 demonstrations). 95% of demonstrations are supervised by unions, according to the FTDES. These protests were held because of the lack of drinking water. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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