2024 PLF does not include measures to combat parallel economy

The 2024 draft finance law (PLF) does not include measures to combat the parallel economy, does not encourage private investment and does not support the industrial and commercial sectors, the Confederation of Citizen Enterprises of Tunisia (CONECT). During a hearing session organized on Tuesday by the finance and budget committee of the Assembly of People's Representatives (ARP), members of the CONECT office considered that the measures related to the orientation of the subsidy to rights holders has not been studied as part of a comprehensive and prospective structuring support strategy. They stressed that the planned growth rate cannot absorb unemployment , reads a statement of the ARP statement on Wednesday. They proposed amendments to articles 27, 38, 39 and 48 in order to encourage the increase of State resources through tax measures and have a positive impact on development, investment and the development of private businesses and job creation. The members of the CONECT office stressed the importan ce of encouraging the vocational training sector, particularly across Tunisia. They called on stakeholders to encourage students to join these centers, taking into account the needs of the labor market in terms of vocational training. They stressed the importance of reducing the tax pressure on training institutions. Source: EN - Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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