2023-2024 training year : Over 64,000 training offers are available

The 2023-2024 training year will be marked by the entry into operation of 10 vocational training centers under the Tunisian Vocational Training Agency (ATFP). Therefore, 680 new additional training positions will be created to gradually reach a maximum reception capacity in 2024 in the governorates of Kairouan, Bizerte, Kébili, Nabeul Jendouba, Kef and Monastir. Over 64,000 training offers will be available, the Employment and Vocational Training Ministry said in a statement, adding that the national vocational training system for this training year has 507 training centers in both the public and private sectors. The same source announced the start of "the Second Chance School" in Kairouan late in September, which is established as part of the Tunisian-British cooperation and in partnership with UNICEF. More particularly, this school targets school dropouts in an effort to reintegrate them again so that they resume their studies or opt for a professional training process, the statement adds.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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