14th edition of BIO EXPO organic farming fair April 25 to 27 at UTICA headquarters

The fourteenth edition of the Bio EXPO organic farming and agri-food fair will be held from April 25 to 27, at the headquarters of the Tunisian Confederation of Industry, Trade and Handicrafts (UTICA). Organised on the initiative of International Fairs and Exhibitions (IFE Tunisia), in partnership with the Directorate General of Organic Farming at the Ministry of Agriculture, Water Resources and Fisheries, this event will bring together Tunisian and foreign organic food producers. At this year's event, a pavilion will be dedicated to exhibitors who have obtained organic production certification, according to a press release issued by the IFE. The event programme includes scientific conferences and educational sessions aimed at children to raise awareness of the benefits of organic food and its essential role in maintaining health. In partnership with the Tunisian association 'Olive Oil Women's Network', the third edition of the 'Dido Internationale' olive oil competition will be held at the same time. More than 7,500 producers are active in the organic farming sector in Tunisia, cultivating more than 300,000 hectares of certified organic land, according to the Ministry of Agriculture. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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